About Me

The name’s Ali, a lab technician by day with a fairly new knowledge to the modern web and the rapidly moving mobile technologies, Even though I did build a couple sites… years ago, I remember using PhpNuke and Joomla 🙂

A couple years ago I wanted to learn programming, So I went through some challenges on what language to learn, I took a look at Java, C++ (I know; really high level to jump into for a new learner), Anyway; I decided to go with C#, Just because of the nice IDE (Visual Studio) and the resources that I was able to find online, Now that I got some knowledge and already built some simple programs; I decided to try my luck and start a website, This website. I’ve always wanted to have a site, and hopefully a successful one that I could benefit from one day.

Coding is really fun and it helps me think straight; Programs are every where in our lives nowadays, they’re in our phones, watches, cars, TVs, stoves, refrigerators, etc. which is why I wanted get into all of that technology world.

It teaches patience, problem solving, work flow design and it unleashes some creative design capabilities you didn’t even know you have 🙂

I hope you guys find some benefits from the programs I built / shared on this site. Hope you like…